I'm sad to say that we went ahead and sold Dallas and Dixie, our goats. As much as I will miss them, it was just the right thing to do. They were not getting the attention they deserved, and with our family getting busier and busier the older the kiddos get, and the kiddos having no interest what-so-ever in the goats, it was the best bet for all involved. So, off they went to a farm that has many other goats and uses them for clearing fields, milk and breeding...and no meat goats! I made sure to ask about that, as we didn't want Dallas or Dixie becoming someone's dinner. We were all sad to see them go, but our lives are a bit easier and the chickens are much happier now that they are gone. The chickens are able to have the whole fenced in 1/3 acres area to themselves and they are loving it.
Speaking of the chickens, I set some eggs under a broody hen (same one as last time...let's hope she's a better mama this time around) on 5/3, so they'll be due to hatch about 5/24! Crossing our fingers for some girls...no more roosters, please! ; )